Your Questions Answered


December 16, 2022

Q: What will be the format of our new YMCA BC email addresses?
A: All YMCA BC staff email addresses will follow this format:

Q: What is the transition process for email addresses when we officially become YMCA BC on January 3rd?
A: For staff in Kamloops and Northern BC, your email addresses will automatically transition to your new YMCA BC email on Tuesday January 3rd. You can log into your email with your new email address and current password. Your password will not change.

For staff in Greater Vancouver (Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley, Sunshine Coast), your new YMCA BC email address will be active on Tuesday, January 4th. Again, please login on January 4th with your new YMCA BC email address and current password.

You can read the complete FAQ for YMCA BC email switchover HERE.

Q: How do we access YMCA BC branded collateral, materials, logo, etc.? 
A: The YMCA BC Marketing and Communications team is in the process of developing a folder system on MS Teams that will allow staff in all areas of the association to access specific YMCA BC materials. It will take a bit of time to set these folders up and populate them with files. In the meantime, for any collateral/logo needs, please contact your regular Marketing and Communications lead for your program(s).

November 10, 2022

You reached out and we loved hearing from you! See below for recent some questions we received from your colleagues:

Q: What opportunity will there be to chat with Heidi Worthington, CEO of YMCA BC?
A: Heidi will be joining several virtual and in-person staff meetings over the next few months. She is keen to meet and hear from members of the YMCA BC team.

Q: Will there be opportunities to collaborate and visit Ys in other regions? 
A: The goal of working together is to build on our commitment to serve the members, participants and communities we all care so much about and combine our expertise and resources to enhance the staff experience. Developing opportunities to collaborate and learn from one another is key, so moving forward this may include virtual workshops, meetings and in-person visits.

Q: Will membership cards work at all the YMCA BC locations or will we still have to call the branch? 
A: The goal is to have all YMCA BC facilities within one ACTIVENet database. This should mean that one card will work at all Ys within YMCA BC. The transition dates are TBD. Calls would still be necessary to verify members from branches outside of YMCA BC. 

To read our full FAQ, please scroll down to the bottom of this screen. If you have questions, please send them through to or complete the form located at the end of this page.

May 19, 2022

The work we do in service to our respective communities and regions will only grow as a result of unification!

A major commitment throughout the process of amalgamation is retaining service and relationships in local communities. As all communities are different, we want to ensure the YMCA meets needs in each community and region. With this principle in mind, decision-making freedoms and limits will need to be established, along with principles for consistency and local offerings. Becoming a larger Y enables more capacity in Human Resources, Marketing & Communications, Fund Development Health & Safety, Information Systems, Fund Development, allowing branch teams to do what they do best—engage with, and serve, our communities.


April 21, 2022

So what can donors to our new YMCA expect? Lots of the same!

It is our hope that donors will continue supporting the work they feel strongly about, as that work and our commitment to it will remain the same. Money raised for a local Y specifically will remain in the local community. As all Ys currently provide more support than they receive, a gap in funding still exists and we’ll always need our donors! Over time, donors will notice a new charitable number, aligned and integrated donor management systems and a new signature on their tax receipts. Capital fund raising will continue to be designated to specific capital projects. The Home Lottery and 50/50 in Kamloops will continue.


Scroll below to read our full FAQ!



You have questions. We have answers! Or, if we don’t have them yet, you can be assured we’re working on them.

Check out our initial list of FAQs and submit your own using the form below or by emailing

  • Our Goal in Unification is to extend our reach, impact and sustainability of the YMCA in BC. The YMCA of Northern BC, the YMCA-YWCA of Kamloops, and the YMCA of Greater Vancouver are choosing to unify to accomplish the following goals:

    ● Create a viable and impactful YMCA serving BC, with vision that meets and responds to the needs of British Columbians.

    ● Increase the YMCA’s capacity to innovate and scale programs in service to more BC communities.

    ● Enhance the quality, relevance and effectiveness of YMCA systems and support functions.

    ● Better resource development, training and quality of YMCA programs and services.

    ● Attract and retain exceptional volunteer and professional leaders.

    ● Enhance our employee experience and expand opportunity for diversity and inclusion.

    ● Create sustainable revenues through public, private and philanthropic sources, through the cultivation of creative and innovative partnerships.

  • As we enter the transition into YBC, everything will remain the same with respect to both staffing and programming. Our staff and volunteers remain the most important part of our organization and are needed in the new structure. This amalgamation is not being undertaken to save money, but rather to expand our opportunities. We need everyone who is working with us. We are advancing this strategy to meet real and changing needs of our community. To do this well, we know that we will have to adapt our program and structure in light of the provincial delivery system we are creating. Our team will play a critical role in meeting this challenge. While this means we need everyone, it also acknowledges your role and reporting relationship may change over time. We will strive for transparency and communication as both structure and strategy evolve.

  • Your employment contract provisions will remain the same (existing employees with different benefits will be grandfathered to the new organization with the same benefits).

  • Reporting relationships may change, but details are unknown at this time. As we come together opportunities exist to pool resources and leverage expertise in all functional and programming areas. Over time, and with the leadership of the new CEO, we will decide upon the best way in which to work together.

  • The conversation between our Ys started almost five years ago at the board level but truly became something the three Associations started to explore significantly about a year and a half ago. Since then, much due diligence has been undertaken starting with a detailed opportunity and risk analysis that brought comfort about the business case to unify. Then a shared vision was developed along with the legal agreements required to form a new YMCA.

  • At this time, there is no expectation that there will be increased travel demands placed on individuals. That being said, we will work hard to find the many ways we can learn from and lean on our colleagues across the new association.

  • The new YMCA will be called the YMCA BC (also YBC). This name was chosen with careful consideration of a name that considered the following principles:

    ● Recognizes stakeholders

    ● Considers geography

    ● Regulate business name vs consumer YMCA

    ● Forward focus capacity to accept others

    ● Should be simple

    ● Historical respect living truth and reconciliation (not a colonizer)

    ● Balances broad and community focus name

    ● Reflects that we will be the largest integrated delivery system social human services in BC – would like our key stakeholders to know

    Together, the three associations currently represent 75% of the total scope of Y services delivered across British Columbia.

  • The remaining two Ys in BC were given an opportunity to join the amalgamation, but ultimately, decided against it at this time. We will continue to work with them in our provincial work and remain strong partners. They are welcome to join the amalgamated Y in the future.

  • A major commitment throughout the process of amalgamation is retaining service and relationships in local communities. As all communities are different, we want to ensure the YMCA meets needs in each community and region. With this principle in mind, decision-making freedoms and limits will need to be established, along with principles for consistency and local offerings. Becoming a larger Y enables more capacity in Human Resources, Marketing & Communications, Fund Development Health & Safety, Information Systems, Fund Development, allowing branch teams to do what they do best—engage with, and serve, our communities.

  • The CEO of YMCA BC will be Heidi Worthington, the newly named CEO of the YMCA of Greater Vancouver. The CEOs of the YMCA of Northern BC and the YMCA-YWCA of Kamloops will remain with the amalgamated organization, in new roles. The CEOs will assist with the transition and take on important projects and leadership roles to advance YMCA BC into the future. It is worth mentioning that the amalgamation and CEO search processes were aligned, including board representatives from both Kamloops and Northern BC on the CEO Search Committee.

  • The services provided under the YWCA portion of the Kamloops YMCA-YWCA will continue. While Kamloops YMCA-YWCA will have a new name, the services will remain. The relationship with YWCA Canada may change in form but it is the intention to continue offering these services under the YWCA umbrella, as part of YMCA BC.

  • Is it unlikely members, participants, clients and child care families will notice large changes initially. The signage on their buildings and names of their branches will not change. Over time, they may notice new programming.

  • We hope that donors continue supporting the work they feel strongly about, as it will remain the same. Money raised for a local Y specifically can remain in the local community. As all Ys currently provide more support than they receive, a gap in funding still exists. Over time, donors will notice a new charitable number, aligned and integrated donor management systems and a new signature on their tax receipts. Capital fund raising will continue to be designated to specific capital projects. The Home Lottery and 50/50 in Kamloops will continue.

  • We are in the midst of a couple of processes that will make this official. Our three Boards have passed a Special Resolution, approving amalgamation, as well as drafted new Bylaws and Constitution. These have been submitted to Canada Revenue Agency for approval. It is expected this could take up to six months.

    We also require our Voting Members to approve the amalgamation. Each Y will hold a Special General Meeting in order that eligible members can vote on the Resolution. It is anticipated that this will happen in late April/early May.

    All of our partners will need to be informed and agreements (in some cases) updated. As well, the Candian Revenue Agency (CRA) needs to approve the amalgamation, which we anticipate happening by end of August.

    Once the above events have happened, the amalgamation will become official (anticipating Sept 1st but TBD).

  • Our focus areas at this time are:

    ● communicating with and addressing questions/concerns of our staff, stakeholders, partners and voting members

    ● continuing to bring our senior staff teams together

    ● preparing to nominate new Board members

    ● preparing for our Special General Meetings in April

  • There is a lot that will stay the same. Changes that are going to happen but these will happen over time in a sequenced way. We are committed to sharing the process with you in a transparent way, as well as involving you in shaping our new YMCA.

  • Stay informed of the unification process by reading bi-weekly Unification Staff E-Newsletter. You can learn about the people, programs and impact each Association is bringing to this new YMCA.

    We also encourage you to engage and ask all the questions you have. These will be answered as quickly as possible and fed back to the team via Staff E-newsletter and updated FAQs. To start we have three ways to provide input/ask questions:

    1. Directly: To me or your Supervisor

    2. By Email: To

    3. Online (starting the week of Mar 9th): Watch for the new staff e-newsletter and unification information hub including a link to our central question form (questions can be submitted anonymously)